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Develop sustainable travel policies


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SDG Alignment

9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

SDG Target


Target Description

By 2030, upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes, with all countries taking action in accordance with their respective capabilities

Level of Effort

Level of Effort Scale


1 -Quick Wins: solution involves adding criteria for the good or service being purchased (ex: certifications), minimal internal process changes.

2 -Long Term Adoption: solution requires some changes to internal processes and/or more capital investment (ex: digital transformation to reduce paper use).

3 – Disruptive Opportunities: requires significant investment and changes to internal processes (ex: retrofitting building)

Category Assessment

ETCH Procurement Process .png


• Conduct an internal assessment to identify whether your organization has any made use of any green travel initiatives when organizing corporate travel plans.

• Consider the option of renting travel facilities focused on offering green travel plans which focus on opportunities for walking and use of low-emission transit methods.

• Identify such global tourism and travel facilitation companies, who have green programs in place.

• Research and connect with local travel facilities that are certified under LEED, Green Seal 33, ENERGY STAR, and are a part of local programs such as the California Green Lodging Program, or the U.S. EPA’s Green Hotels.

• Evaluate potential commercial opportunities to partner with such service providers.

Opportunity Identification 

Opting for green travel facilitation will result in cost savings and reduce emissions associated with local travel, long-distance travel, and overnight trips.

Reduce environmental pollution caused by air emissions (e.g., NOx, SOx, volatile organic compounds, particulate matter, and carbon monoxide) from frequent air, and light-duty vehicle travel, as well as hotel and lodging facilities.

Strategy Build & Execution

• Establish a baseline based on your existing business travel plans, which includes information on the traveler, duration of the trip, origin, destination, the purpose, travel method between locations, local travel methods, cost of the trip, and lodging details. If possible, estimate the total associated carbon emission from the complete trip.

• Based on your assessment, if there is scope to partner with such green travel agencies and develop a strategy to proceed with partnering.

Supplier Negotiation & Contract

• Consider identifying and working with such green travel agencies to further build their resources, tools, capacity to adapt and carry out the below to develop related policies and business:
a) Identify areas of activity in the travel industry that offers sustainable travel marketing.
b) Gather knowledge concerning sustainability to the travel industry, especially to the travel facilitation.

• Leverage this business creation in exchange for bulk offers or seasonal offers at discounted rates.

• Ensure to agree on the quality of service and management, property maintenance accountability and responsibility, to performance benchmarks with your supplier.

Supplier Performance & Management

• Perform an internal review with staff/employees on their feedback on the offers and services of the newly partnered green travel agencies.

• Evaluate the commercial and environmental impacts from the change implemented based on comparison with the existing business travel policy and practices. The industry average can act as a basic exemplifier for what you should consider differently when reviewing the progress and success of your new business travel policy.

• Ensure to track the progress and research the market to identify emerging vendors with new green facilitation services in the future.

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