Engage in the procurement of paper made from more sustainable materials

Alignement sur les objectifs mondiaux
Determining Scale
1 -Quick Wins: solution involves adding criteria for the good or service being purchased (ex: certifications), minimal internal process changes.
2 -Long Term Adoption: solution requires some changes to internal processes and/or more capital investment (ex: digital transformation to reduce paper use).
3 – Disruptive Opportunities: requires significant investment and changes to internal processes (ex: retrofitting building)
Alignement sur les objectifs mondiaux
SDG Target:
Promote public procurement practices that are sustainable, in accordance with national policies and priorities

12. Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns
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schémas de collaboration
Lululemon, un leader de l'approvisionnement durable dans l'industrie du vêtement. Engagé en faveur de l'approvisionnement éthique et de la responsabilité environnementale, Lululemon intègre la durabilité dans chaque aspect de sa chaîne d'approvisionnement, y compris l'utilisation d'alternatives biosourcées.
Secteurs d'Avenir
Récompensé par le plus haut niveau de certification (Verte) par My Green Lab en 2023, Future Fields s'est imposé comme un innovateur de premier plan dans l'approvisionnement durable pour l'équipement de laboratoire, en particulier en réduisant la dépendance aux plastiques à usage unique.
The Unscented Company
à la pointe de l'approvisionnement durable en sourçant des ingrédients biodégradables pour ses produits de soins personnels. Leur engagement envers des pratiques respectueuses de l'environnement garantit que leurs produits sont aussi doux pour la planète qu'ils le sont pour leurs clients.
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Étapes du Plan de Projet
Nos modèles par catégorie sont conçus pour décomposer chaque étape du processus d'approvisionnement en six phases, permettant aux utilisateurs de gérer et d'exécuter des projets durables de manière fluide.
• Assess the sustainability quality of the current paper used at your company.
• Discuss with your departments/organization to identify the type or quality of paper used in your organization and where compromise is possible (if the top-grade report is not required, can quantity be reduced for sustainability value).
• Research different paper alternatives that suit your requirements. (See Resources section for research tools)
• Engage with your suppliers to gauge their willingness to provide your company with sustainable alternatives.
Identification d'opportunités
Scope to develop brand image and cost savings derived from such a decision (use of recycled paper or paper with lower brightness). Capacity to expand your network through the adoption of sustainable practices.
Forest conservation reduced energy and chemical consumption during the production/manufacturing process of recycled paper.
Élaboration & exécution de stratégie
• Establish the goals and targets (along with potential commercial benefits) which would fit your company in association with adopting a sustainable initiative.
• Determine to what degree the transition would be appropriate (is the high-grade paper necessary for the company's function, consider smaller-scale innovations then 100% recycled materials). The decision will depend on how the use of high-grade paper can be scaled down without affecting the company functions.
• Discuss with the existing paper suppliers about this initiative and determine the level of transition they are willing to make to achieve this as a goal or target.
• Align employees towards the sustainability initiative and have them on board by explaining benefits and potential sacrifices in quality that comes with adopting the industry.
Négociation et contrat avec les fournisseurs
• Negotiate with existing/potential suppliers on the value-adding elements such as shipping and handling, installation, and disposal of end-of-life supplies.
• Establish in the contract the various supplier performance measures to be tracked.
Performance & gestion des fournisseurs
Schedule annual meetings to discuss new technologies or products released in the market with respect to sustainable paper materials and the scope for the procurement of such products.