Reduce energy waste at restaurant establishments

Alignement sur les objectifs mondiaux
Determining Scale
1 -Quick Wins: solution involves adding criteria for the good or service being purchased (ex: certifications), minimal internal process changes.
2 -Long Term Adoption: solution requires some changes to internal processes and/or more capital investment (ex: digital transformation to reduce paper use).
3 – Disruptive Opportunities: requires significant investment and changes to internal processes (ex: retrofitting building)
Alignement sur les objectifs mondiaux
SDG Target:
By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management

11. Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
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schémas de collaboration
Lululemon, un leader de l'approvisionnement durable dans l'industrie du vêtement. Engagé en faveur de l'approvisionnement éthique et de la responsabilité environnementale, Lululemon intègre la durabilité dans chaque aspect de sa chaîne d'approvisionnement, y compris l'utilisation d'alternatives biosourcées.
Secteurs d'Avenir
Récompensé par le plus haut niveau de certification (Verte) par My Green Lab en 2023, Future Fields s'est imposé comme un innovateur de premier plan dans l'approvisionnement durable pour l'équipement de laboratoire, en particulier en réduisant la dépendance aux plastiques à usage unique.
The Unscented Company
à la pointe de l'approvisionnement durable en sourçant des ingrédients biodégradables pour ses produits de soins personnels. Leur engagement envers des pratiques respectueuses de l'environnement garantit que leurs produits sont aussi doux pour la planète qu'ils le sont pour leurs clients.
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Étapes du Plan de Projet
Nos modèles par catégorie sont conçus pour décomposer chaque étape du processus d'approvisionnement en six phases, permettant aux utilisateurs de gérer et d'exécuter des projets durables de manière fluide.
The use of energy-efficient equipment will reduce energy costs in the long-term and it is a prospect for applying for government rebates for equipment upgrades as well.
• Identify through analyzing your electricity bill breakdown, the biggest energy-hungry appliances or equipment within your establishment.
• Assess the viability of implementing energy-saving upgrades to the identified appliances (could include LED lighting retrofits, HVAC upgrades, etc.)
• Estimate the cost and energy savings from upgrading to a new system and energy savings can be done using the Energy- and Cost-Savings Calculators for Energy-Efficient Products provided in the reference. The calculator can be used for Commercial Heating & Cooling Systems, Lighting, Food Service (e.g. ice machines), and Sanitary Equipment.
a) the EnergyPlus tool provided in the reference can be downloaded and to model both energy consumption—for heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, and plug and process loads—and water use in your establishment.
• Conduct research on potential government rebate programs in your area, as many cities offer such rebates for companies who take action to make energy-efficient changes in their establishments.
• Check with your existing suppliers if an exchange or a swap is an option and whether they align with your needs.
Identification d'opportunités
Cost savings from energy savings and access to funding if qualified for government rebates, and positive change to brand image to taking strong sustainable initiatives.
Switch to energy-efficient upgrades will reduce energy consumption and waste.
Élaboration & exécution de stratégie
• Based on the research to identify the segments in your establishment that has the highest scope to have energy savings and cost savings associated with them.
• Align with internal stakeholders to proceed with the upgrades.
• Train your team and staff to understand the purpose and potential benefits.
• Based on the assessment of existing suppliers if they do not align go to market with a Request for Information (RFI) to identify potential suppliers. Prefer local suppliers rather than overseas suppliers, due to ease to maintain a long-term relationship.
Négociation et contrat avec les fournisseurs
• Consider supplier diversification for your upgrade, as having a diverse supplier base will provide you with a variety to pick your products from.
• Ensure to communicate to your supplier on the Supplier Performance Review parameters which will be tracked and reviewed for renewal of existing contracts, if any.
• Request your existing suppliers to apply for ENERGY STAR certification and ensure to follow guidelines as mentioned in the production process of their products - increases their scope to have more leverage with other clients and provide you discounts for the initiative.
Performance & gestion des fournisseurs
• Perform internal reviews with the inclusion of feedback from staff after the upgrade installation to evaluate commercial benefit, risks associated and overall environmental benefits gained when tracked and compared with the baseline (reduction in energy cost, comparison with historical data).
• Follow up with suppliers when close to the end-of-life of the new high-efficiency models, to gain information and discuss new technologies released in the market and the scope for the procurement of such products if necessary.