Switch to sustainable data centers

Alignement sur les objectifs mondiaux
Determining Scale
1 -Quick Wins: solution involves adding criteria for the good or service being purchased (ex: certifications), minimal internal process changes.
2 -Long Term Adoption: solution requires some changes to internal processes and/or more capital investment (ex: digital transformation to reduce paper use).
3 – Disruptive Opportunities: requires significant investment and changes to internal processes (ex: retrofitting building)
Alignement sur les objectifs mondiaux
SDG Target:
13.2 Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning

13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
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schémas de collaboration
Lululemon, un leader de l'approvisionnement durable dans l'industrie du vêtement. Engagé en faveur de l'approvisionnement éthique et de la responsabilité environnementale, Lululemon intègre la durabilité dans chaque aspect de sa chaîne d'approvisionnement, y compris l'utilisation d'alternatives biosourcées.
Secteurs d'Avenir
Récompensé par le plus haut niveau de certification (Verte) par My Green Lab en 2023, Future Fields s'est imposé comme un innovateur de premier plan dans l'approvisionnement durable pour l'équipement de laboratoire, en particulier en réduisant la dépendance aux plastiques à usage unique.
The Unscented Company
à la pointe de l'approvisionnement durable en sourçant des ingrédients biodégradables pour ses produits de soins personnels. Leur engagement envers des pratiques respectueuses de l'environnement garantit que leurs produits sont aussi doux pour la planète qu'ils le sont pour leurs clients.
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Étapes du Plan de Projet
Nos modèles par catégorie sont conçus pour décomposer chaque étape du processus d'approvisionnement en six phases, permettant aux utilisateurs de gérer et d'exécuter des projets durables de manière fluide.
•Evaluate the sustainability of current data center: Identify sustainability KPIs that align with company goals to determine the overall sustainability of the current data center. Examples include power usage effectiveness (PUE) and water usage effectiveness (WUE). Data centers can also be evaluated on their management of e-waste and their incorporation of circular economy principles
Conduct a cost-benefit analysis: Determine the costs of switching to a more sustainable data center, including the cost of migration, ongoing operational expenses, as well as the benefits such as potential energy savings and carbon emissions reduction
Assess whether the capacity of the current data center is able to accommodate future growth and increased demand of future computing resources. Sustainability may be incorporated in the process of migrating to a facility that offers both scalability and future flexibility.
Identification d'opportunités
Business: Cost savings as a result of increased energy efficiency and resource optimization
Sustainability: Overall reduction in carbon emissions, and particularly scope 3 emissions
Élaboration & exécution de stratégie
•Request a breakdown of the current data centers sustainability practices and determine if they align with the organization’s sustainability goals. Also consider their ability to accommodate future growth
Research sustainable data centers: If it is more feasible to migrate to a new data center, identify potential options for sustainable data centers. Be sure to identify all of their sustainable initiatives (e.g. using renewable energy, optimizing server utilization, cooling methods, e-waste management, water consumption)
Help create a detailed transition plan outlining the necessary steps for migrating to a sustainable data center, and set clear objectives to achieving sustainability goals (e.g. carbon neutrality, water conservation, energy efficiency). Key milestones, appropriate timelines and responsibilities should be determined for each phase. Consider aspects such as data migration, infrastructure setup, network connectivity, application compatibility, and testing.
Involve relevant stakeholders, including IT and sustainability teams, executives, and representatives from all departments. Gather input and address any risks and concerns that are raised regarding the migration. Consider establishing a cross-functional team to ensure that technical requirements across the organization are included.
Négociation et contrat avec les fournisseurs
•Identify any technical requirements and challenges associated with the switch. Evaluate infrastructure needs, compatibility of existing systems and applications, data security considerations, and network connectivity requirements. Collaborate with the data center provider and internal IT teams to address technical aspects and ensure a smooth transition.
Evaluate potential data centers on relevant KPIs including power usage effectiveness (PUE) and water usage effectiveness (WUE), percentage of waste diverted from landfill, or facility certifications such as LEED, BREEAM
Performance & gestion des fournisseurs
Request regular sustainability reports from the data center supplier tracking progress and performance on established KPIs