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Minimize the carbon intensity of Chlorine as a raw material


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SDG Alignment

13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

SDG Target


Target Description

Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies, and planning

Level of Effort

Level of Effort Scale


1 -Quick Wins: solution involves adding criteria for the good or service being purchased (ex: certifications), minimal internal process changes.

2 -Long Term Adoption: solution requires some changes to internal processes and/or more capital investment (ex: digital transformation to reduce paper use).

3 – Disruptive Opportunities: requires significant investment and changes to internal processes (ex: retrofitting building)

Category Assessment

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•Assess your current needs and requirements for chlorine through a spend analysis and stakeholder engagement.
•Requirements could include supply assurance, risk, quality, and cost.

•Review current top chlorine supplier sustainability reports to establish a baseline for carbon reduction initiatives upstream. For example, use of renewable energy, recycled brine, or energy efficiency measures.

•Collaborate with your sustainability team to identify KPIs that align with your company’s sustainability strategy and supplier offerings. For example, CO2 intensity per ton or kilo-watt hour per ton produced.

Opportunity Identification 

Business: Potentially reduce costs as energy consumption and operational costs are reduced. Increase brand value and mitigate risk from increasingly stringent government regulations. Improve supplier and wider industry relationships as you collaborate in the advancement of sustainable innovation in the chemical industry.

Sustainability: Reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment by reducing waste through more efficient processes.

Strategy Build & Execution

•Use a hybrid carbon accounting method that is a mix of spend-based accounting and supplier-specific information where possible for the most accurate calculation. This should use standard metrics, reputable averages.

•Collaborate with your Sustainability team to create a Sustainability Question & Scoring Calculator that evaluates supplier-specific information. This calculator should include information that can be scaled to measure other considerations in the future (ex. Water usage, waste management practices, diversity and inclusion efforts, etc.).

•Consider the consolidation of supply for multiple products to reduce footprint of logistics.

•If applicable in your area of operation, participate in a carbon offset market to make this initiative more cost-effective.

Supplier Negotiation & Contract

•Use sales-oriented language when presenting sustainability questions to your suppliers.

•Include a carbon footprint section in RFX.

•Share your KPIs with your suppliers and create corresponding incentives to them (ex. contract extensions or financial rewards that correspond to a percentage decrease in carbon intensity per ton).

Supplier Performance & Management

•Invest or co-invest in your key suppliers decarbonization projects to generate verified and quantifiable levels of emission reductions or carbon removal. This should be done collaboratively with other customers and other members or your value chain.

•Perform an annual Supplier Relationship Review to monitor and track KPIs.

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